学生健康服务为新葡京博彩学生提供各种医疗服务, 从预防医学(如身体检查), 视力和听力筛查测试, 妇女和男子的性健康, 对急性疾病/损伤(如急性呼吸道疾病)过敏注射, 胃肠, 尿, 还有生殖障碍, 扭伤和撕裂伤)到慢性疾病(如哮喘), 高血压, 和糖尿病). If you have a condition that we cannot manage here, we can refer you to a specialist.




Students taking at least one class on campus are charged the student health fee as part of their tuition and fees and are eligible to receive medical services at the Health Center.  Exclusively online students may choose to pay the student health fee and be eligible for services.  For more information on the services covered by the health fee, please review the chart below.


  • 护理访问
  • 药剂师咨询
  • 非处方药(B计划额外收费)
  • 注射过敏
  • 流感疫苗
  • 听力筛查
  • 视力检查
  • 血压筛查
  • 重量检查
  • 静脉穿刺
  • 避孕套


  • 医生门诊-每次20美元(医生) & 护士)
  • 内部实验室服务: 
    每次测试5 - 20美元
  • 处方药-口服 & 注射剂:每份处方5 - 125美元
  • 免疫接种:每次35 - 150美元
  • 外部实验室服务-费用由实验室供应商决定



The GYT clinic is available to students who desire routine testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The GYT clinic is available to students who do not have symptoms or a known exposure to an STI.

如果你有性传播感染的症状或有过已知的接触, you will need to schedule an appointment with one of our providers for proper assessment and treatment.


  • 衣原体 & 淋病——45美元
  • 爱滋病- $20
  • 梅毒- $15



  • 呼吸治疗
  • 肺功能检查
  • 耳朵灌溉
  • 静脉输液
  • 心电图(心电图)
  • 裂伤修复
  • 缝合切除
  • 除疣
  • 脓肿切开引流

* The above services require a provider visit as they must be ordered or performed by a physician, 执业护士或医师助理.  提供者出诊费用为20美元. These additional services are covered under the health fee when performed in conjunction with a provider visit.


新葡京博彩保健服务是一个以预约为基础的医疗诊所.  In an effort to increase access and minimize wait times, appointments are required. 可以通过电话预约医生或护士 (678) 839-6452.

Students who have made an appointment with 卫生服务 should allow adequate time for their visit so that the medical staff can provide them with the quality of care they deserve. Students should arrive at the Health Center 15 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment to allow adequate time for paperwork to be completed.  新葡京博彩建议您至少有一个小时的参观时间. 请注意,一些访问类型可能会超过一个小时.


除非紧急或紧急情况,否则需要预约. 紧急医疗情况请拨911. 如果你在没有预约的情况下到卫生部门就诊, 如果可以的话,前台会帮你安排预约. Students arriving after 4:30PM without a prescheduled appointment that are not in need of immediate attention will be directed to schedule an appointment for a later date.

Walk-ins should report to the Reception Desk and inquire as to the availability of an appointment. If an appointment is not available, you may be directed to a Triage Nurse for further evaluation. 一旦护士和你谈过并进一步评估你的情况, 护士会和你讨论可用的治疗方案. Being seen by a Triage Nurse does not guarantee that you will be seen by a provider that same day. 处方药只能由医生开处方.


当病人没有给予适当的通知就取消预约, 它们可以防止另一个病人被看到. 为您提供最好的护理,并为新葡京博彩所有的病人提供更多的机会, 请至少提前两小时取消预约, 这样别人才有机会被看到.

预约可通过电话、电邮或亲自取消. 取消请求可通过电子邮件发送至 healthsvc@e-bunka.com. 如你未能在预约时间前至少两小时取消预约, 你将被视为“不来”.“如果没来,要收10美元。.“这项政策适用于与医生预约的医疗服务提供者, 执业护士或医师助理.

If you call after hours to cancel your appointment for the next day, please call (678) 839-4163 留个语音信箱.


为了尽量减少你的等待时间, 新葡京博彩已实施以下未到/迟到政策. 如果你迟到超过10分钟, 或者根本没来赴约, 你将被视为“不来”.“如果没来,要收10美元。.“这项政策适用于与医生预约的医疗服务提供者, 护士, 或者医师助理.

Students who arrive after their scheduled appointment time may be asked to reschedule. 如果你担心你可能会迟到,请打电话 (678) 839-6452 与卫生服务人员交谈, 因为新葡京博彩可能会安排另一个约会时间.


If you believe that we have made an error in charging you for a no-show/late cancellation, 或者觉得你值得特别考虑这样的费用, 请填写 缺席申诉表格


卫生服务 provides health care with the intention of keeping students healthy enough to pursue their academic goals.  在适当的时候, we can provide patients verification of their visit to share with employers and instructors. 在某些情况下与特定的伤害或疾病有关, 卫生服务 can also share our recommendations regarding whether the patient should restrict their activities.

Both the Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Policies at 新葡京博彩 stipulate that each professor makes the final determination about how many absences are allowed, 是否提供延期, 接受补补工作, 是否接受超过截止日期的课程作业, whether or not the student can participate in the class via a different format (e.g. 远程学习), 重考错过的考试, 迟交作业, 和/或超过公布的最大缺勤次数. 

大多数教师在他们的课程大纲中定义了他们的出勤期望, 对学生来说,为每位老师复习这些内容是很重要的. 卫生服务 staff do not have the authority to “excuse” absences; therefore, 新葡京博彩只能确认治疗方法. We respectfully request that students discuss and resolve their health related classroom absences with their faculty member or instructor.

当学生经历医疗, 个人, or psychological concern that impacts their ability to meet academic requirements, 他们可以和 咨询中心 讨论选项并探索支持资源. 征得学生同意, the counselors can assist with corroborating and communicating student concerns to instructors.

Students with ongoing health or psychological concerns are advised to speak with 可及性服务. 注册完成后, 可及性服务 can assist students with classroom accommodations that are intended to offset the impact of the chronic condition.


Students taking at least one class on campus are charged the student health fee as part of their tuition and fees and are eligible to receive medical services at the Health Center. Exclusively online students may choose to pay the student health fee and be eligible for services. 您可以通过您的 自助横幅帐户.


  1. 登入自助服务Banner
  2. 选择学生服务 & 金融援助
  3. 选择学生帐户
  4. 选择按期限的帐户汇总
  5. 找到健康费用和余额

医疗服务包括护理和医生服务, 卫生服务药房提供的化验和药物. 虽然许多情况可以由健康中心的工作人员治疗, it is sometimes necessary to refer a student to a specialist or another facility for diagnostic services. Whenever this occurs, the student must assume responsibility for the fees incurred.


  • Currently enrolled students who have paid the $101 Health Fee or elect to pay the $101 Health Fee.
  • Student-employees will be considered students and must pay the student health fee to be seen at 卫生服务
  • 教职员工:新葡京博彩的在职员工. 健康服务将不治疗退休人员或家属的教职员工


  • 致电678-839-6452查询预约情况.


  • 是的. 卫生服务部门会跟进学生


  • No prescriptions or refills of “scheduled” drugs such as anxiety medications (Xanax, 安定, Klonopin, 等), 安眠药(安必恩), 失眠药Lunesta, 等), 阿片类止痛药(氢可酮), 羟考酮, 曲马多, 等).


  • 处方药物可以在药房配药 药店 低成本或免费.


  • 看医生(医学博士或执业护士)每次20美元. 护士探访对学生是免费的.


  • 错过预约的学生将被收取10美元

我可以在卫生服务处做什么检查? 它们的价格是多少?

  • 内部实验室服务:每次测试5 - 20美元

What procedures can I have performed at 卫生服务 (these procedures are covered through the 学生健康费)

  • I.V. 液体
  • 缝合撕裂伤
  • 去除内生趾甲
  • 疣体的冷冻
  • 脓肿穿刺


  • 目前,卫生服务部门不提供这些服务
  • The 新葡京博彩 provider at his/her discretion may order an outpatient study if they feel it is necessary




Patients receiving health care services at the Health Center and 药店 at The University of West Georgia have certain privacy rights granted by Georgia law and by a federal privacy law protecting the privacy of patient education records called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  The purpose of this notice is to assure you of the Health Center's compliance with these laws and to provide information about the confidentiality protections provided to you based on our policy.